Thursday, January 23, 2014

December 16, 2013

We had such a good hard working week! We did so much walking and looking as everyone has been so hard to find this week. Maty has been working a ton, and Hermana Miner still has not met him. We finally contacted Alberto even though his phone is weird, so we had two lessons with him this week. He said he would come to church, but his phone didn't work when we tried to call, and he didn't come. Cesar has been looking for work and working random shifts at Lider, the Chilean walmart, as a bagger (It's not a paid job, the patrons give tips) so he has been difficult to contact and couldn't come to church either because he was working. BUT, Oscar came to church! He took lessons from the other missionaries here, but left for a few months. Now he's back and is taking lessons from us and accepted our invitation to be baptized! He even read the pamphlets and the first pages of the Book of Mormon! This doesn't happen too often, so we were obviously really excited. We also received a reference for a Victoria. We visited her and she wanted a Book of Mormon to read! We have a lesson with her tonight. She has a brand new baby, Belen, but is living with her boyfriend. She wants to be baptized but doesn't know when she can be married. We're going to set a wedding date tonight with her, so I'm hoping she will let us help her plan the wedding! I want to plan a wedding so much! It's my dream! We'll see what happens.
So, since our investigators have been so ellusive this week, we decided to start working with less actives more. We really want to help our ward grow, so we've set a goal to increase our attendance with 30 more people. We want to go from 50 to 80 who regularly attend. It's a big goal, but we've written out and thought out and prayed about goals and plans that will make it possible. There are a few different families that we're working hard on to help them come. It might take a few months, but we will help these people. I know it.
We had our Chirstmas Conference with the two zones in our city. I sang a solo! Hannah would be so proud of me. Two of the Hermanas in the other zone asked if I sang, and I said I sang alto, so they asked if I would sing a duet for the conference. I agreed, came to practice, and they had me singing the begining of the song! It was a arrangement of Jesus Once of Humble Birth and Silent Night. They day of it went really well, and I was pround of myself for my first solo ever. I sang the harmony for the rest of the song, where I was more comfortable. It was so nice to sing harmonies, because I don't get a lot of chances during the week or at church. It went well and everyone told us how great we sounded. I was happy. 
The conference was filled with messages of Missionary Work and at one point we all sat in a big circle and read the christmas story and sang the corresponding music, just like we do every christmas eve. Sadly It didn't include all of us dressed as Mary, Joseph, Shepherds and me as the Angel. I miss being able to read the scriptures to my family while wearing mom's big white robe. But it still was good to read the story, even if I only half understood, as it was in spanish. 
With almost every family we visit, we have been sharing the mormon message video with a message of christmas service. Everyone loves it, and we always bear our testimonies on how simple service can impact lives. It brings the spirit so much, and everyone has been so willing to go out and serve! I absolutly love our ward. I can feel their love for us, and I know that they're always there to help us. It's so wonderful to have such a supportive group at our back. The gospel and church is just so wonderful that way. 
I absolutely just love this gospel. It is the most perfect thing in the whole world! God is perfect and his plan is perfect! I love being able to tell others about the love Heavenly Father has for us, and how they can change their lives. Yesterday as we contacted a lady sweeping her yard, she told us about her family and the hard times she has passed through. We invited her to our ward activity this friday, a primary activity for her daughter on saturday, and church on sunday. She is new in Copiapo, and we told her that we would be her new friends to help her around. She was so grateful, and I could tell she felt so loved. When we mentioned that we had a special message for her, and how she can live with her daughters with God, her face lit up. She looked beautiful with a wonderous smile on her face. I love making others happy, and helping others realize that there is peace and happiness in this life. We can always have hope for the future no matter what happens. There is always hope. I love and miss you all! Be the best member missionaries you can possibly be! The more we help and love others, the better Chirstmas we will have!

Hermana RichardsonInline image 1

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